Radio Adventures

After my year of music I got a Flipper Zero kind of on a whim. I didn’t know much about it but it was kind of fun trying to catch signals. The biggest problem was that it was limited to digital signals inherently and the SubGHz bands it supports are kind of uninteresting unless you’re into hacking. I liked the portability and the slick case, but generally it doesn’t really fit into any use case. I wrote a little IR scope that lets you visualize an IR signal. That was kind of fun.

Working on the PortaPack firmware

Then I was introduced to SDR and more precisely the PortaPack built on HackRF. That’s the flexibility of a fairly powerful, half-duplex SDR, in a portable device. Even better is that it has a great open source community. The Mayhem project was a lot of fun to work on. Lots of interesting problems to solve, bugs to fix. The community has some great people too. It’s all C++ so it was nice to have a place to continue to practice my coding.

I spent hours and hours and days and weeks working on the project, but then, as all my interests do, I found something else to focus on. In this case it was the Dirtywave M8. Does that mean it’s back to making music? Maybe. That and a renewed focus on home improvement projects…

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